The University has enough lecture rooms that are spacious and well ventilated. Each lecture room is well furnished and is capable of accommodating more than 50 students; many of the lecture rooms hold up to 95 persons whilst three lecture rooms which are used for large classes do accommodate between 150 and 200 students.
The lecture rooms have been provided with public-address and IT equipment which make it easy for teaching and learning and do assist students to make presentation of their term projects and assignments. The lecture hall complex is a series of two-storey buildings joined into a single block. The offices of the heads of departments and faculties and all lecturers can be found in this block. The building also houses the university library, the clinic, the counselling office, the computer laboratories and the separate Internet café. All offices have Internet connections and the computers have been networked.
The University currently has three Halls of Residence:
Hakim Elahi Hall for Male Students
Zahra Main Hall for the Female Students, and
Zahra Annex Hall for the Female Students
REGULATIONS FOR OCCUPANTS OF HOSTELSMales are not allowed entry into female hostels.
2. Females are not allowed entry into male hostels.
3. In the event of contravention of Regulations 1 and 2 above, the matter will
be referred to the Disciplinary Board for investigation and necessary
4. It is not permitted to cook or keep inflammable materials in the rooms.
5. The use of appliances such as gas cookers, microwave ovens, electric
heaters, etc. in the Hostel rooms is strictly prohibited.
6. Students should use electricity and water judiciously.
7. Washed clothes should be hung only on drying lines provided for that
8. Students are obliged to observe cleanliness in their rooms and in the
environs of the hostels, and also cooperate with one another and their hall
representatives in this respect.
9. The bathrooms and toilets in the Hostels are for the use of all students
and each student must clean up after use.
10. Students should desist from keeping rubbish and unwashed utensils in
the rooms.
11. Students should cooperate with Hostel cleaners to keep the compound
and surroundings clean.
The University has a spacious library which provides students the opportunity to access about 9000 volumes of reference materials and audio-visual tapes, CD-RM and VCD/DVD learning mterials and software.

The university IT Centre has a large number of PCs connected to the Internet which serve as e-library for research work and accessing textbooks and journals online. The Centre also serves as typing pool for term papers and long essays or master’s theses.
The IUCG’s Information Technology Centre is located within the Lecture Hall
Complex. The center is served by a large number of interconnected computers
which serve the following purposes:
a) Two Lecture Halls for computer-based classes.
b) Electronic Library (or e-library) for research work and accessing textbooks
and journals available in Research Centres and Other University Libraries
in Ghana and abroad electronically using computers.
c) Internet Cafe for accessing e-mail and searching for research material and
general information. The Café also serves as the students’ Typing Pool for
term papers and Long Essays / Master’s Theses.
The health needs of students and staff are catered for at the
University Clinic
The clinic has the following:
a consulting room
a dispensary stocked with basic drugs, and
a sick bay
Two qualified nurses running a shift system are in attendance every day to cater
for the basic health needs of students and lecturers. A Doctor working part-time
visits the clinic once a week and supervises the work of the nurses.
Very serious cases are referred to the Legon Hospital, Iran Clinic and other
hospitals as may be required.a
To ensure that its students and staff are fit at all times, IUCG has established a mini sports complex made up of a basketball, volley ball and table tennis courts for use by students. A qualified sports instructor trains students to unearth their hidden potentials.

The IUCG Mosque adds an Islamic touch to its campus environment. The mosque is spacious, well ventilated and provides an enabling atmosphere for observing prayers. Daily and weekly (Jummah) prayers are observed in this mosque, which is capable of accommodating about 500 people.
The University has a catering unit can conveniently accommodate 300 people. Students can buy hygienically prepared and served food and drinks of fairly good quality at reasonable prices from here. The IUCG Clinic is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the section operates in conformity with health and quality standards.
This unit consists of a fully equipped kitchen and an adjoining dining hall that
can conveniently accommodate 300 people. Students can buy hygienically
prepared and served food and drinks of fairly good quality at reasonable prices
from here.
A group of IUCG staff, with the head of the IUCG Clinic as leader, is charged
with the responsibility of ensuring that the section operates in conformity with
health and quality standards