The aim of the programme is to expose students to the spectrum of ECE in order to prepare them for career in schools, childcare centres, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). This will enable the teacher trainee to be able to understand the concept of early childhood education which has positive effects on the ability of a developing child in all aspects of life. The implementation of the programme will help produce qualified Early Childhood Educators who will help in the education of children in the Early Childhood Centres in Ghana and beyond. This will ensure the improvement in professional delivery of early childhood services in schools as well as ensuring professional treatment of the children in these sensitive formative years.
The rationale of this programme is therefore, to ensure that the professionals trained in Islamic University College, Ghana teach children:
- Based on sound child development principles of how children grow and learn
- What is meaningful for them
- What is relevant to their lives
- By linking ideas to personal experiences they have had or can have easily
- To be Sensitive to and respectful of cultural and linguistic diversity
- To use analysis and reasoning skills
- To link concepts across activities
- To apply concepts to their everyday world
- To be creative about ideas
- To observe and evaluate their ideas and conclusions
- To think about their own process of thinking
The objectives of the B.ED (EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION) programme are to prepare the professionals to:
- Promote interactive learning and encourage the child’s construction of knowledge
- Demonstrate an understanding of the early childhood profession and make commitment to professionalism
- Help children achieve social, emotional, linguistic, physical, and cognitive goals
- Encourage development of positive feelings and dispositions toward learning while leading to acquisition of knowledge and skills
- Have expectations that are realistic and attainable at this time
- Include children with disabilities in the curriculum
- Build and elaborate on children’s current knowledge and abilities
- Lead to conceptual understanding by helping children construct their own understanding in meaningful contexts
- Facilitate concept learning and skills development in an integrated and natural way
- Challenge children with disabilities to attain goals
- Permit flexibility for children and teachers
- Encourage active learning and frequently allow children to make meaningful choices
- Foster children’s exploration and inquiry, rather than focusing on “right” answers or “right” ways to complete a task
- Promote the development of higher order abilities, such as thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making
- Promote and encourage social interaction among children and adults
- Respect children’s psychological needs for activity, sensory stimulation, fresh air, rest, and nourishment
- Promote feelings of safety, security, and belonging
- Provide experiences that promote feelings of success, competence, and enjoyment of learning
- Promote positive relationships with families
- Graduates of Senior High Schools (SHS)
- Holders of Certificate ‘A’ (Post-Secondary or Post-Middle School)
- Holders of Diploma in Early Childhood Education
- Holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) and other Diploma certificates
Graduates from the programme can gain employment in the Ghana Education Service (GES) and other educational institutions as professional teachers. The programme also enhances and raises the professional capabilities of lecturers who are already employed in the universities as non-professional teachers.
Dr. Ernest Kofi Awanta Senior Lecturer: Cert ‘A’, B.ED, M.Phil, PhD
Mr. Wilson Agbeke Senior Lecturer: Cert ‘A’, B.ED, M.Phil
Dr. Enoch Danso Okyere Lecturer: Cert ‘A’, B.ED, M.Phil, PhD
Dr. Courage D. Egbi Senior Lecturer: B.ED, M.Phil, PhD
Dr. Priscila Dseagu Lecturer: B.ED, M.Phil, PhD
Mr. Abubakar Ibn Abdallah Lecturer: B.ED, PG-Dip, M.Phil