Policy & Regulation
The University has a number of approved policies and rules that the university, staff and students should hold fast to.
The links given below are pfd documents stating the key policies, rules and regulations of the University.
- Examination Rules & Regulations
- Student Welfare and Disciplinary Procedure
- Library Policy
- Student Societies & Activities Policy
- Accommodation (Hostel) Regulations for Occupants
- Dress Code Policy
- Drug Usage Policy
Examination Rules & Regulation
Ga) Students who absent themselves from lectures, tutorials and practical classes for a cumulative period of 25 percent or more in any semester, shall be deemed NOT to have satisfied the requirement for attendance. Such students shall be considered as having withdrawn from that course
and shall not be permitted to write the End-of-Semester examination for
that semester.
b) Students shall be required to write all tests/examinations which the University College/Departments/Units may, from time to time, prescribe or conduct for them.
c) Students who fail to write tests/examinations conducted/organized for them without good cause or written approval of the Vice President (Academic) shall be deemed to have failed the examinations.
d) Students who fail their semester examinations shall be required to rewrite them at the next available opportunity within two academic years after failing the examination. Students shall be allowed only two attempts to rewrite failed examinations. e) Students who fail to write semester examinations for good cause or with the approval of the Vice-President (Academic Affairs) may be required to write the examination at the next available opportunity
Student Societies And Activities Policy
a) The Authorities of the Islamic University College shall grant permission to students to form Societies and Clubs at the request of, at least, 10 – 15 interested students. A senior member must,
however, superintend the affairs of such a Societyor Club for the purpose of liaison with Management.
b) Application to form a club or society must be submitted to the VicePresident (Academic Affairs) for approval through the Students’ Representative Council and shall be accompanied by the Council’s recommendation and constitution of the proposed society/club as well as proposals for establishing and sustaining it.
c) Upon approval of Management, the name of the proposed Society or Club shall be formally published in the University’s Students’ Magazine and on Notice Boards.
d) Within one month of the date of formal publication of the name of the Society or Club, the Secretary shall deposit the names of the principal office holders of the Society or Club with the Vice President (Academic Affairs) and Dean of Students. Thereafter, the Vice President (Academic Affairs) and the Dean of Students shall be furnished with the names of their key officers, once a year.
e) No secret society or club shall be allowed.
Accommodation (Hostel) Regulations for Occupants
1. Males are not allowed entry into female hostels.
2. Females are not allowed entry into male hostels.
3. In the event of contravention of Regulations 1 and 2 above, the matter will be referred to the Disciplinary Board for investigation and necessary action.
4. It is not permitted to cook or keep inflammable materials in the rooms.
5. The use of appliances such as gas cookers, microwave ovens, electric heaters, etc. in the Hostel rooms is strictly prohibited.
6. Students should use electricity and water judiciously.
7. Washed clothes should be hung only on drying lines provided for that purpose.
8. Students are obliged to observe cleanliness in their rooms and in the environs of the hostels and also cooperate with one another and their hall representatives in this respect.
9. The bathrooms and toilets in the Hostels are for the use of all students and each student must clean up after use.
10. Students should desist from keeping rubbish and unwashed utensils in the rooms.
11. Students should cooperate with Hostel cleaners to keep the compound and surroundings clean.
Student Welfare and Disciplinary Procedure
The Dean of Students is responsible for the Welfare and Discipline of students. He/she works in close collaboration with the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) and The Guidance and Counselling Unit. For the efficient and effective running of his/her office, the Dean of Students shall have the support of a committee made up of:
b) Three representatives of the Lecturing staff
c) A representative of the SRC
d) A representative of the Academic Affairs Department
e) A representative of the General Administration Department (as
There shall be a disciplinary board or committee for Junior Members.
A disciplinary board or committee shall investigate an allegation of misconduct on the part of a Junior Member and shall make appropriate decisions including sanctions. The Vice President (Finance and Administration) shall implement the decision of the disciplinary board or committee in accordance with IUCG Stautes.
A disciplinary proceeding in respect of a junior member is without prejudice to the right of the Academic Board to investigate an allegation of impropriety or malpractice relating to admission into the University or examinations and to take appropriate action including disciplinary sanctions.
Registration of Students
All categories of users are required to register with the library. Registration takes place at the circulation desk of the Library.
Membership of the IUCG Library The Islamic University College, Ghana (IUCG) library is open to the following
categories of people:
1. Members of IUCG Council
2. Senior Members of IUCG
3. Students
4. IUCG workers.
5. Permission to use the library may also be granted to other categories of persons at the discretion of and upon conditions decided by the library committee or the Assistant librarian acting on behalf of the committee.
Borrowing of Books
1. Students may borrow up to two books for a week.
2. Senior members may borrow up to 5 books for a semester, subject to recall after 2 weeks if circumstances of the library so demand.
3. Administrative staff may borrow up to 2 books for a week.
4. No borrowing is allowed during vacation
14.4.1 Books/Materials not for Borrowing
Any book may be borrowed except the following:
1. Books marked REFERENCE
2. Newspapers
3. Encyclopedia and Dictionaries
4. Course Manuals
14.4.2 Students’ Behaviour Towards Library Staff
1. All readers especially students must treat library staff with courtesy and respect.
2. Readers must not threaten (either physically or verbally), harass,
shout at or abuse Library staff.
Library Offences and Sanctions The following shall constitute library offences:
1. Failure to return borrowed books and related materials on date due.
Sanction: Offender shall be liable to the payment of a fine of GH¢1.00 per day up to 7 days; thereafter, GH¢2.00 per day.
2. Loss or misplacement of books and related materials.
Sanction: Offender will pay twice the current price of the book plus a processing charge of GH¢2.00
3. Unlawful acquisition of library materials / stealing.
a) Ordinary books: Rustication (suspension) or dismissal. In case of rustication, the user shall lose borrowing rights forone semester.
b) Reference books: As in (1) above, plus possible dismissal
4. Mutilation of books and related materials
Sanction: A member, who commits this offence, shall pay twice the current price of the book and be denied services of the library for his or her entire stay at IUCG.
General Library Rules
1. All students should register with the library at the beginning of their
2. Bags, gowns, umbrellas, raincoats, cameras, tape recorders and carriers
such as large handbags, etc., are not allowed into the library. They must be deposited at the entrance space provided.
3. However, such items are deposited at owner’s own risk. The library does
not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to any item so deposited.
4. Eating and drinking are forbidden in all parts of the library. No food of any kind (such as toffees, candies, water, etc ) is allowed in any part of the
5. Mobile telephones must not be used for making or receiving calls whilst
in the library.
6. Mobile telephones and audible pagers must be switched off, or put
on silent mode before entering the library and must remain off while
in the library.
7. Each reader must be considerate towards other readers and must behave
in a way that does not disturb others. Readers should try to make as
little noise as possible. In particular, talking must be kept to a minimum. Where talking is necessary it must be done quietly.
8. Firearms and other offensive weapons are not allowed in the library.
9. No seat shall be reserved by or for any reader. Any seat(s) so reserved shall be cleared by library staff or may be used by other readers.
10.Books consulted should not be returned to the shelves. They should be left on the reading tables.
11.Users cannot take library materials out of the library without passing through the right borrowing procedures.
12.Any unlawful acquisition of library materials, i.e. attempted stealing, shall be subjected to appropriate sanctions.
13.All borrowed books should be returned by the last day of each semester.
14.Smoking is forbidden in all parts of the library.
15.Failure to return all library books by the end of the academic year may result in examination results being withheld till books are returned.
16.Users must submit any material or item carried out of the library for inspection. Body searches may be conducted if deemed necessary.
17.It is an offence to write on, or cancel or remove library notices and
18.Any book on loan that is recalled shall be returned within 72 hours of the recall notice, or else, fines will be imposed thereafter.
19. A book may be borrowed for a period not exceeding one week (7 days);
it could be renewed only once for another one week, after the first week has elapsed.
20.It is an offence to cut page(s), from, write in or cancel any print in a book belonging to the Libra y
Dress Policy
All students are required to dress decently by means of an intelligent selection of fashion which does not violate the Islamic character of the Islamic University College, Ghana (IUCG). Hence, a student dress must (a) exhibit dignity and simplicity in grooming and dressing by avoiding carelessness and untidiness, and must avoid the opposite extreme of flamboyance or extravagance; (b)
provide the opportunity for others to appreciate the student as an entire person (physically, intellectually, morally) without drawing negative or disapprovingattention to one’s body or person through dress or grooming, especially in a sensuous manner; (c) demonstrate self-respect, dignity, a sense of mission, and good grooming, without excessive adornments, expensive jewelry, cosmetics,
facial make-up, etc.
General Dress Rules and Regulations
a) The deliberate wearing of torn or patched jeans (both sexes), transparent and short skirts that reveal ones “Awrat” (Nakedness) shall not betolerated.
b) All females (students, staff and lecturers) are required to wear “Hijab” (Head Cover) on campus.
c) All students, staff and lecturers are required to wear the academic dress appropriate for their status during Matriculation, Congregation and such other ceremonial occasions.
Guidelines for General Dress Code
The following specific regulations apply at all times to all dresses worn on the IUCG campus:
a) Wearing of business suits with trousers or long-skirts/slits is highly encouraged.
b) Transparent, sheer, sleeveless, bare-back or tight-fitting blouses and sweaters are not allowed. Also, tight-fitting skirts and trousers are not permitted.
c) Dresses with low neckline or which do not fully cover the breasts, belly
and armpits are not permitted.
d) The hair shall be well covered with a veil of any type, provided it is decent and fully covers the hair at all times. Use of excessively large or distracting or flamboyant veils is not allowed.
Dress Code for Male Students/Candidates
a) Men’s dressing to lectures, the library, Computer lab and offices should consist of traditional dress, shirt and trousers, with or without a neck tie or business suits.
b) Dressing for Mosque services or special formal occasions may be either national or international style, provided that the costume complies with the principles set forth in the General Dress Rules and
Regulations above.
c) Men shall not wear earrings.
d) Wearing of trousers or belts lower than the waist level is prohibited.
1) Perming and relaxing of hair, hair-braiding and use of wigs are not
2) Gentlemen’s hair must appear decent.
Dress Code for Female Students
1) Ladies’ dressing should conform at all times to the general guidelines and regulations stated above. Further, the following specifications are to be observed:
2) Skirts and blouses, sweaters and shirts, or other formal combination may be worn to campus lectures, the library, computer lab, offices and mosque provided they comply with the regulations.
3) Acceptable dress for Muslim services and other more formal public occasions may consist of either national or international costume that does not violate the dress code guidelines.
It shall be an offence for a student to: –
1. Cultivate, possess, use or peddle narcotics and other drugs as listed in the PHARMACY AND DRUGS ACT, 1961 (Act 64) — see insert 1
1 below Willfully cause damage to the property or good name
of the University College, and/or incite others to cause such damage.
2. Publish defamatory material on campus.
3. Smoke on campus.
4. Possess firearms on campus.
5. Make undue noise within the University College premises,
especially during office hours and when lectures are in Progress
1. Indian Hemp
2. Coca leaves, cocaine (including synthetic cocaine) and ecgonine and their respective salts, the esters of ecgonine and their respective salts, any solution or dilution of cocaine or its salts in an inert substance (whether liquid or solid) containing any proportion of concaine, and any preparation (not being such a solution or dilution as aforesaid) containing not less than one-tenth per cent of cocaine or any proportion of ecgonine.
3. Any product obtained from any of the ecgonine alkaloids of the coca leaf, not being a product which, on 13thday of July 1931, was being used for medical or scientific purposes.
4. Raw opium, medicinal opium and opium prepared for smoking.
5. Any product obtained from any of the phenanthrene alkaloids of opium, not being a product which, on 13 July 1931, was being used for medical or scientific purposes.
6. Morphine and its salts, and any solution or dilution of morphine or its salts in an inert substance whether liquid or solid containing any proportion of morphine, and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance (not being such a solution or dilution as aforesaid) containing not less than one-fifth of one per cent of morphine